Sunday, September 11, 2011

People seem to always need something new, something besides what they already have. Something better(supposedly) something that everybody else has, or something nobody has. The need is there in both cases. I don't really know if it matters the way or the cause which brings about the need, but the need being there is enough for right now.

So what is it about wanting something, needing something, that is new or different? It could be useful, an upgrade which will have features that are made useful. A bigger truck bed for carrying larger loads. Or it could be a getting a bigger truck with a bigger bed because you wanted to have a bigger truck.

The fire alarm went off the other day when I was sitting in my room. Ran out of my room as fast as possible. I came back to see my chair knocked over, all my drawers open and the place looking more disheveled than usual, which is a shock. That loud noise absolutely terrified me. Later when I could finally think about the incident and my brain was not being rampaged by so much sound I could not think, I thought what good does that possibly do?

1 comment:

  1. While I enjoyed the writing on this blog, I think the idea that people always "need something new" is quite vague. On one hand, we have consumer desire, but perhaps it does not originate in the individual people, but how things are marketed. what if we think about marketing strategies of "Planned obsolescence"--this is when manufacturers deliberately make products that are not supposed to last. This is probably one of the reasons there are new "versions" of stuff coming out so frequently that its hard to catch up. It also plays on the theme of "keeping up with the jones'"--"Johnny has a new RV, well, damnit, we are gonna get one too"
